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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Demopolis Ala  Aug 13th, 1868

John L Stilzig Esq
Agt BRF & A Land
Livingston Ala.

Sir: Your letters of the 8th inst and of the 11th inst have been received. Your action as therein reported in both is approved your prompt action to secure the arrest of Jefferson Proctor the murderer of Chury is highly recommended. Enclosed is an order to cover your expenses 
You must be careful about expenses that can be avoided  
The case of Jefferson Proctor as you state it falls under that class of murders that do not admit of bail and if your jail is not a secure one you must have him put in irons
You must see that he is not taken out of jail by any unit from any officer excipt Judge Smith of Choctaw Circuit Judge or a newly appointed Probate Judge & if let out by any body else you will have him rearrested as you have no Probate Judge. Justice of the Peace Constable or Sheriff you can only have criminals arrested & hold them till officers are provided. I hope the people will not resort to mob violence as you fear they may but if the white people see fit to hang Proctor it is none of our business but you must strictly caution the colored people to have nothing to do with such lawless proceedings.

Very Respectfully
Signed R A Wilson
Sub Asst Commr