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of a true soldier, which always, with me embraces that of a gentleman. 

I beg to express my regret, that there are so few here whose sympathies are in accord with the Congressional plan of Reconstruction as to make your proof in this matter, appear so meagre. 

I have the honor to be 
With great Respect 
Your Ob't Servant 
Benj F. Porter 
J.S. McMullan 
J.W. Owen
W. Miller Jr. 

In addition to my full concurrence in the above I will state that I think Lieut Taylor has been upon as confidential terms with me, as with any citizen of this place, in his frequent expressions of opinion to me, he has always been decidedly in favor of ratifying the Constitution submitted to the people of the State by the late Convention, and I have never heard that he has expressed an opinion to the contrary. At the same time Lieut Taylor, has on all public occasions which come under my observation, observed the decorum proper to his position as Military Commander of this Post in abstaining from