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expressly to secure colored men in their rights and that you have peculiar facilities for finding the whereabouts of such of this unfortunate class as have in years past been torn from their homes and families, I have been induced confidentially to appeal to you to assist me through to your subordinates in Conecuh County in finding the man if living or if dead or sold during the existence of slavery to some other section, the fact that he is dead or the section of country to which he was sold.
I would not trouble you in the matter, General, but I know you are willing at any time to assist this unfortunate class of our fellow beings in obtaining the rights and benefits so long denied them.
If any tidings are obtained of this man- or if you fare to find any trace of him please write me at once.
I know not what surname he may have assumed since his emancipation, but most probably that of Boddie. But it may be Stone or Hunter or that of some subsequent purchase under the old system of slavery.
Please communicate with me at once, when the result of your inquiries is ascertained. 