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Has repeatedly assured me of his inclination to fulfill his promise but he seems to be so situated as to be unable to. 
And now, Sir, to conclude, will you be our kind friend and see Genl. Howard in reference to the above, using your larger influence in our favor? Our pay for Aug. & Sept amounts, in all, to Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars. And then there is our transportation to Concord, Mass. Senator Sumner has kindly assisted us in obtaining transportation for clothing sent to our freed children by the friends in Mass. And will I doubt not, say a word for us if needful. 
I ought to add also, that we had our assistant teacher with is the past Summer. Miss S. A. Jenness who is now teaching in Savannah and she also was promised, but has never received, her pay for Aug. & Sept, amounting in all to One Hundred Dollars. Please let her claim be considered with ours for she is only rich in noble-heartedness & fine culture and she, too, stands greatly in need of her wages for her hard Summer’s work. 
I remain, Sir Very Respectfully Your Ob't. Serv't.
C.P. Wheeler  
(Late) R.Q.M 3rd Mass. Cav. and Teacher Freedmen’s School, Eufaula, Ala.