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satisfied it desires to be, an instrument in building up here a more prosperous general condition. The Rations issued to the actually destitute are well enough, but with their consumption the want returns. There are hundreds of honest, hard working men, black and white, in the land, who are willing to go to work in good faith if they had the means. And if these means were supplied, would do so. If such a system were adopted as would reach them, and enough could be properly and wisely distributed to enable them, for one year to cultivate the soil, without having their hard earnings taken from them by the enormous extortions of the holders and sellers of the necessary supplies, I believe it would conduce more towards general relief and future prosperity, than anything else that could be done.

I am, Sir, very respectfully
Your obt servant
J F. Waddell.
Judge of Probate.
Russell Co. Ala.