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Demopolis Sub District
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, 
and Abandoned Lands
Demopolis July 15, 1868.

Bt. Brig. Gen. Shepperd

Dear Sir
The Mayor of this city called on me yesterday in his official capacity, to pay his respects, and we had a long and very agreeable interview; in the course of which I suggested to him that I was under the impression that he was out of office. He then stated that his office had expired and had been continued by order of Gen Mead. 

I then told him that I had no doubt in my own mind that the office of Gen Mead had expired by the limitation in the act of Mch 2, 1867, & with him all persons holding office under him & with them all officers of the provisional Gov. and handed him the act requesting him to consult the lawyers of the village. 

He soon returned bringing me Gen Meads letter to Gov. Bullock. I stated that that could apply to Alabama where all the members of the Legislature were of one stripe; and second with due [[strikethrough]] deffer [[/strikethrough]] deference, I did not think it was good law in Georgia, as the Legislature was the exclusive jude of the qualification of its own members. 

Yours Respectfully RA Wilson