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Sub District of Eufaula
Bur. R.F & A.L.
Eufaula Ala Aug. 28. 1868

C.P. Wheeler
Sub Asst Commr

An epidemy having arisen in that City and country, and the physicians of town having declared to treat the colored population only against prepayment of their fees: requests that a physician be sent by the Bureau to attend the colored people untill the danger has passed.

L.R. N. 129 S. of A. 1868.
State of Alabama. B.R.F. &c
Montgomery Sept 2"/68.

Respectfully referred to Dr. J.H. Phillips U.S.A. Surgeon in Chief who will make the contract as requested.

By order of
Brvt Lieut Col. Beecher
Asst. Commissioner
G K Sanderson
Captain 33" Infantry
A.A.A. Genl.