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joint. But the warehouseman & the common carrier are liable if they carry off cotton after notice.
One of these wretches who was the occasion of my writing on this subject to Col Beecher has today been with a posse shooting at the [[strikethrough]] collored [[/strikethrough]] colored man who brought the case before me.
The county is full of violence. The old overseers & "nigger drivers" accustomed to shoot with their revolvers unarmed laborers on the slightest provocation have not much compunction at shooting a "Yankee". Still I can take care of myself. My request was "Shall I in a legal way interfere in the taking by violence the cotton of negro laborers, which is within my duties or shall I see the thing go on & refuse to interfere.
I want no instruction on what the law is, that I already know. I want an instruction on the above question.
Yours Respectfully
R A Wilson
Sub. Asst. Comm'r