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American Missionary Association:
Rooms, 53 John Street, New York.
President, REV. E.N. KIRK, D.D., Boston, Mass.

Rev. George Whipple, N.Y.} Sec's.
Rev. M. E. Strieby, N.Y.
Rev. J. R. Shipherd, Chicago

E. Ketchum, Esq., Treasurer, N.Y.
W.E. Whiting, Esq., Asst. Treas., N.Y.
Rev. E.P. Smith, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y.

New York, Oct. 19th 1868.

O.O. Howard
Major Gen., Commissioner.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington, D.C.

We learn from our Superintendent in Mobile, Ala. that the College building needs repairs. The roof was injured by a severe storm and the rain beating in was doing much damage to the rooms. 
The building is Government property, exclusively, and its preservation requires the good courtesy of immediate repairs. 
I respectfully request that you will authorize its thorough repair and all necessary refitting for school purposes.
We are anticipating a full school with large results during the coming year.
I am
Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servant,
Geo. Whipple, Sec