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Bu RF & AL Office of Agent at Rockingham N.C. Jan 21st 1868
I have the honor to ask for a supply of the following. Envelopes and Blanks Forn No. 2 "Persons & Articles hired" Also to acknowledge the reciept of Blanks which I asked for in my letter of Dec 26 excepting forms No 2. as I have none I am unable to forward my report this month
I am Col
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm MacFarland
to Bvt Lt Col Thos P Johnson
CQM & D.O. State No Ca
Col JV Bomford
Sub Asst Comr
Raleigh N.C.


Bu RF & AL Office of Agent at Rockingham N.C. Jan 25th 1868
Gen NA Miles
Asst Comr
Raligh N.C.
I have the honor to report that I can purchase land (and have it deeded to a board of Col Trustees) for 10.00 dollar an acre suitable for school purposes in the counties of Richmond Montgomery & Anson within one mile of the Court houses. The School houses for Richmond and Anson should be at least 30 x 40 feet and one story high Montgomery will not need one quite so large The estimated expense will be about 250. dollars each The labor required in erecting these building will be performed entirely by the Freedmen No money or labor will be contributed by the White people toward erecting buildings or sustaining Schools for the Freedmen in this Sub Division I think thus with proper Teachers and encouragement the Freedmen will be able to sustain the Schools aftre they are established
the No of pupils in Richmond & Anson would be from 60 to 100 in Montgomery 30 to 50. I will get the deeds to the lands (one acre each) if approved by you as soon as I recieve the money for them or your order to make the purchase
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
(signed) Wm McFarland Agent