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in very good condition for some time. I felt I ought to be there to help them. There doesn't seem to be very many of us left- I am wondering how your father is Doris. Yes it must be very hard in deed for your mother but I think it is always even harder for the one who is ill. He must be chafing under the restraint and inactivity & then he must feel ill & uncomforted beside. One in your father's condition is usually very nervous, restless & cross. You asked me if I have any suggestions to make as to his diet & you say he demands meat. It is about the worst thing he could

I get 40 sheets of this paper for 5 cts!

2387 S Lucerne Ave
Los Angeles

July 3/31

Dear Sidney & Doris.

Owe Doris a letter but not Sidney. He owes me five or six if size of letters counts for any thing. As for Ralph he hasn't written me for over two months. I wrote him three times when Ralph Jr passed away and have been waiting a letter from him. Maude wrote me a short letter which I answered. I was so anxious about them at that time I feared Ralph would have an illness as he has not been