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[[top left margin]] entd Ukiah. Calif. March 24th 1904 miss Grace Nicholson. Pasadena, Calif. my dear Grace, your letter and check received. I thank you very much, Grace for sending me the check. I am glad to know that you are pleased with baskets. the drum. was made In the spring of 1869. out of a old dugout. it was burnt before it was placed in the dance house. and it was used there until 1876. after annual ceremony about the 15th Aug 1876. it was layed away. In a house for foure years. this drum was [[strikethrough]] kupet [[/strikethrough]] kept and after wards placed in a pond known as john shanleys pond. In Lake. Co. Calif. and was takin out In feb. 7th 1906. many Pinto is about dead. I think she will die tonight. with best wishes for mr Hartman and yourself. your friend. Wm Benson