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Ukiah Calif Nov 22nd 1905 Miss grace Nicholson Pasadena Cal Dear Grace. your wellcome letter received for a week. I did not call for my mail at Talmage and this morning I went to town around the other way. on my way back I called at Talmage and got your letter of 17th. The drum of the sulphure bank Indians is a dug out log 4 or 5 ft. long and 14 or 16 inches wide. would you want it, the ceremonial stuff and doctor outfit is easier to ship. I mean not so expenses as the drum would be. but if you want it Il try to buy it. of course baskets I know about what you want. Dear grace. I positively say that man who told mr Hartman that I bought baskets for Fred Harvey is wrong. who ever told it to mr Hartman did not know what he was talking about. don't let such talk impress upon your mind. for its a lie. my best regards for mr Hartman and yourself As ever. your Friend Wm Benson