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$5.00 for him. In care of Elgin, so when the capt comes home, Elgin will let me know and I will go over and have him dig it out. I am sure of this drum, because he left aword[[?]] with Elgin, saying if I should want this drum he would tel me where it was. the capt claims its elder then that of sulphur banks. I will try and get a snap of them diging it out. capt cah-i-da-no went to healdsburg last week to spend[[?]] about weeks with his friend Douctor Fred. Hagan. of the same place said he would sel him outfit for $25.-- he claims the outfit to be about 150 years old. it was given to him by his uncle 45 years ago. I met him on my way home. he was coming home from upper lake. I think its a good outfit. I know its old. now if you think you want this, I will buy it when I go over again. and I may get some other old things from the old capt. I left a word for him to hold what old things he had for me. I payed out $26. so $25 remains. meredith bought all the baskets in mission. I remain your sincere friend Wm Benson [[note in lower right corner]]ansd[[/note in lower right corner]]