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[[note upper left hand corner]] Ans'd [[/note upper left hand corner]] Ukiah, Calif. Jan 30th 1906 miss grace Nicholson. Pasadena. Calif. my Dear grace, mr Hartman informs me that you been very sick. I am very sorry that you are sick and mary and her mother is feeling very bad when they were told that you were sick in bed. we all hope that you are better. I got mr Hartmans letter and your check, $4.50. I thank you very much grace for sending the check. I will go over to the lake next week and get the Doctors outfit and the drum also and what ever I can get of old things. I will also eclose the photo of an old man in a dugout. at sulpher Banks, and pictures of the three baskets. The one with stain on the bottom is red. blue and green feathers. sun basket like, they ask $40.00 for it. and the others they would not sell, and other in The basket made at mission Ranch Kelsey ville, look on back of photo. [[note lower right hand corner]] over [[/note lower right hand corner]]