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Ukiah. Calif.
Aug 30th 1906

Mr C.S. Hartman. Pasadena. Calif.
my Dear Friend.
yours of the 27th Received.

I knew you and grace would be surprised. this news did not surprise you as much as it did me. I thought over it for three days. after I was not notfied by the officers I rested easey. now I think it was nothing but a belop that somebody made for Ike. I wrote yesterday to Elgin asking him what Ike said about it after I writen Inregard the matter. and I also answered your telegram saying I did not heared from the party sence I havent heared anything said about it sence Elgin wrote me. I think on the 11th saying that Ike was going to have me arrested for takeing up his sisters grave. I answered the same day teling Elgin to tel Ike that I took my uncles remains which I had the right to do so without asking any one. and that I did not know that his sister was burred in that place. and if this remains that I taken was sisters remains I would cheerfully return it. but would ask you if the remains was male or female. if this was female I would have it returned. sence that time I over