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[column on the left] APACHE HOPI MARICOPA PIMA NAVAJO SKOKOMISH TLINKIT YAKIMA TULALIP PAPAGO PAIUTE CHILCOTIN [a picture between the columns] [annotation of the picture] PARTIAL VIEW OF THE GREAT INDIAN DEN [column on the right] POMO TULARE HUPA MAIDU MISSION MONO KERN KAROK PANAMINT WAILAKI MEWUK WASHO LOVERS OF INDIAN OBJECTS will find the great Indian Den, with its thousands of fine Baskets, Curios, Drums, Shields, Head Dresses, Pipes, Rattles, Mortars, Dance Outfits, Obsidian Blades and Points, Gambling Games, Nets, Doctors and Ceremonial Material, Navajo and Chimayo Blankets, Rugs, Couch Covers and Pillow Tops, of special interest, as the collection is the largest in the world. Tourists will find that Grace Nicholson's Treasure House of Oriental and Western Art is pre-eminently the most attractive salesrooms in the West. [symbol] GRACE NICHOLSON'S FAMOUS SHOP 46 NORTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE PASADENA, CALIFORNIA EAST SIDE MARYLAND HOTEL PHONE FAIR OAKS 1336 [a line between rows] CARROLL S. HARTMAN BUYER