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MISS GRACE NICHOLSON invites you to visit her ATTRACTIVE SALESROOMS, at 46 NORTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE, PASADENA, to view her notable collection of superb Oriental and Western Art Treasures, Antiques, and Artistic Merchandise. A touch of oriental splendor and mystery prevails in seven Chinese Rooms, devoted entirely to unusual Home Furnishings and Decorations which fashion just now favors. [[image - photograph]] [[caption]] Oriental Doorway [[/caption]] There are Temple Tables, Hangings, Embroideries, Buddhas, Porcelains, Enamels, Gilt Carvings, Mirrors, Carved Jades, Ambers, Horn Carvings, Shawls, Skirts, Coats, Chinese Paintings and Prints, Bronzes, Brasses, Lanterns, Gongs, Snuff Bottles, Lamps, Chests, and an exclusive line of useful Novelties fashioned from colorful old Embroideries, Tapestries and Brocades, distinctively oriental, will appeal to discriminating patrons seeking Wedding or Holiday Gifts, moderately priced. [[image - photograph]] [[caption]] Grace Nicholson's Famous Shop [[/caption]] A charm and mystery, ever fascinating, that cannot be described, lures the Art Lover - The Collector of Antiques - The Gift Seeker - The Scientist - The Student and the Traveler to Grace Nicholson's - A Famous and Fascinating Shop with less of the commercial spirit than any other in the West. The visitors welcome is always genuine. You will cherish the memory of your visit and delight in telling your friends about the charm of this house full of treasures and suggestions, so unlike any other in America. There is a definite individuality to each of the twelve Salesrooms, showing the true decorative value of the articles exhibited. It is safe to claim that there is no place in Pasadena, or in California, where more interest centers - and is little wonder that every visitor pronounces Miss Nicholson's the most Notable, Beautiful and Unique Shop they ever visited. My select and complete assortment of old and new Jewelry, bears the impress of indididual [[individual]] thought, distinctive design and refinished hand workmanship. Especially interesting is the large line of Jade Jewelry with oriental mountings. The great Museums, Art Schools and private collectors of the East have drawn from Grace Nicholson's Indian, Korean, Chinese, South Sea and Philippine Collections, thousands of important specimens as additions to their collections. Opportunity is offered Miss Nicholson from time to time, to secure important private collections of Old English, French, Dutch and American Silver; Colonial Furnishings and other Antiques that are offered each season to my Collectors at Special Prices. If you have a Hobby, consult this Shop. [[image - photograph]] [[caption]] Oriental Corner [[/caption]]