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Who were the greatest artists and also histories of the tribe. For 30 years I supported these people & this encouragement caused them to produce the finest & most perfect work [[strikethrough]] ever produced.[[/strikethrough]] all [[strikethrough]]These I [[/strikethrough]] of their baskets I purchased and here kept [[strikethrough]]together[[/strikethrough]] them to be placed together in a pan & [[strikethrough]] collect [[/strikethrough]] Curating fun all in leading museum & for all [[?]] bought to purchase some but I never placed a price upon the collection  Think if [[the?]] baskets nets with over 100 stitches in the inch four years work in my 3 [[when?]] This collection would be one of the greater which you could include in the proposed building

We know how much Will Rogers understood the American Indians [[strikethrough]] and how to perpetuate the [[/strikethrough]] and [[helped?]] [[?]] [[these?]]   First Americans & in you memorial it would be most fitting a [[?]] memorial it would be much fitting a double [[?]]