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Museum of the American Indian
Broadway at 155th
New York N.Y.

Item # On approval
1 Paiute hat  35.00 No
2 MaKah whaling bag  65.00 No
3 Chumash basket - covered  300.00
4 " " - flat  225.00
5 Painted hat - Haida  125.00
6 Zuni War God - younger -  500.00  650.00
7 " " " - elder - 750.00
8 Shrine - complete - Payatamu  1600.00
9 Papago willow basket  22.00  2850
10 Papago willow basket  5.50
11 Papago willow basket 9.00
12 Papago willow basket  28.50
13 Papago willow basket - miniature  7.00 


September 29, 1965

Dear Fred-  
Through the Grace of God and the Railway Express Agency I managed to accomplish next to nothing on the recent foray to the Far East. Somehow you will have to complete the Second Floor without my Sage Advice and Worldly Wisdom. Naturally I reserve the Right of Future Criticism.

Saw Bob Aurt only briefly - was stunned by some of Kitty Mossey's purchases - had a fine time with the show in spite of missing material. 

Transcription Notes:
2nd numbers listed appear to be someone adding up (#6,#9). Water mark on paper "Gold Fiber"