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enormous - Dickensian (tho no goose) and the whole evening Dickensian for that matter. Some of the people were quite entertaining -- the two unknown male relatives the most. One wanted to sing old romantic songs, & both Shirley & Marguerite played accompaniment for him for quite a while. The other, the bachelor, was "the life of the party" and we were glad -- he must be quite a lonely man. He lives alone with his young Siberian wolf, an enormous police dog. He has trained it well and it has him trained also.

We'll be sending pictures along soon for you to pick from.

We didn't get all our house-decorating done. After painting the bathroom (with a paint so faint in odor we could hardly smell it), there was a knocking on the door.... the people on the third floor came to tell use we couldn't go on painting, as it made the wife ill! We just wouldn't, so we didn't. Will do it in spring, I guess. The place looks a little funny: I dyed the curtains a turkey red, the rugs are now tan, & the floor is still a deep pink. Jack put up peg board above the sink & laid tile on the bathroom floor, so the [[strikethrough]] house [[/strikethrough]] place is really improved anyway.

We came up to Chicago on Friday [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] afternoon, driving thru fog & drizzle all the way. We never have good weather on the trip! We spent a quiet evening. Saturday & Monday we did last-minute shopping. [[strikethrough]] Saturday night[[/strikethrough]] Sunday Pete Tappan visited us in town. [[strikethrough]] Sunday we [[/strikethrough]] Monday night we went to the Starck's in the evening for a German Christmas Eve after dinner by Marguerite with Jim & Shirley & present-opening. It is Marguerite's habit to make finnan haddie the Christmas eve dish. Did you ever hear of that? The German Christmas eve consisted of eggnog, very fancy cookies, & little steaming meatballs you ate on a toothpick with big mushroom caps.

Christmas day I have pretty well covered. We get around all this food-wise by eating only two meals a day, a small breakfast & a huge dinner. Still, I don't see how we manage to stay so healthy!

The prints are very nice. Do you have some also? We shall put them up.

Transcription Notes:
Finnan haddie is cold-smoked haddock, many would cook for special occasions.