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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
October 17, 1956

Dear folks, 

Glad to hear you got a radio. Consumer's Report thought well of Zenith, which has always had a good reputation, of course. Did I tell you that Jack got our new radio working recently? Our friends the Davises gave us an old radio minus speaker from a good console - they only wanted the record-player. It may have been a Zenith. Jack hooked it up to our speaker & now we have a very fine AM radio. We pick up Toronto, among other places, clearly. In Champaign-Urbana the University station, WILL, is very strong & plays much good music on AM all day. 

Jack is practically recovered now. I cleaned again last week end with borrowed vacuum cleaner. He was getting worse toward the end of the week, then cleared up -- might it have been a result of the cleaning? We don't know. It still hasn't rained here.

I had an attack of a virus, I think. Monday night I felt very weak & vomited much & am still weakish & don't care for eating, although not nauseous since then. Jack hasn't so far gotten it. A virus (intestinal) is going about the campus, I think.