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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
December 3, 1958

Dear folks,

Thank you for the clipping on the painting exhibition. We may get a chance to see it in spring or summer.

My exam is just over. The first exam was so hard that he relented and gave us an easy one this time -- so we just have to do proportionally better. [[strikethrough]] All [[/strikethrough]] I keep remembering new mistakes I made, a problem which usually goes on, with much regretting, for a couple of days following an exam. All I want is a C! Jack says I can't fail to get that. 

A piece of luck - the A.I.B.S asked me to help translate the Russian journal "Soil Science" last week, + sent me some work (on a test) already. I have been doing it while studying for the exam. Luckily for me, the fellow who lives in the apartment across