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straight-seam sewing abilities I guess.

We has quite a tussle with our new caretakers over the weekend. When the power was put on we for the first time inspected the refrigerator & stove they had brought in. Both are essentially junky but the refrigerator was a positive fire menace, & Jack told the man so repeatedly, gaining a unwilling, grudging promise to do something about it. Where up on we went out to the student housing development and bought a fine, big Frigidaire for $25 & had the satisfaction of telling the caretakers to kindly remove their junk. I believe we can resell it for more than $25 since student development prices are 1/3 - 1/2 lower than town prices on used things so I don't in the least regret it, now, but we were infuriated earlier.

Let us know of your vacation plans We anticipate taking a while either coming or going in order to go via Canada or the Smokies, leaving shortly before Labor Day; school starts Sept. 15 at the latest. We would go via N. England if you were there.

Your 1934 letter was most interesting!
