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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
July 2, 1958

Dear Folks,

I received your birthday gift last week and couldn't wait until my birthday to open it. The purse is really very nice and stylish, and I have had a large number of compliments on it already. Thanks! Thank you, too, Dad, for the financial gift. The pants were also fine.

We let the starling go last Friday, just before going up to Chicago. We took him to the center of the horse riding range. In Chicago we attended grandpa's 90th birthday celebration, with many guests.

[[crossed out]]As far as I know we have no long weekend and even if we did [[/crossed out]] next week end is indeed a long one but we are not going anywhere. On Saturday we are holding a party, my birthday party, although I'm not telling all of the people this for fear they'll buy a present. I'm going to try out a new cake recipe (Dutch apple cake) and make chocolate sodas as well. Having Friday off I can get laundry & cleaning and maybe cooking all done on that day.