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wild bird might have psiticosics (sp?) [[psittacosis]] ; if so, we have already been sufficiently exposed to catch it. I wonder how common that is. I will keep an eye on the bird, but aide from chilling effects, it seems healthy enough. 

Yesterday I got a summer job with the old Dept. of City Planning & Landscape Architecture crew (to my surprise; I was visiting). The Russian program has 
seemed less & less substantial, & we shall need the money. It begins June 9. I intend to stay here until Jack's prelims. About the time of them, or just before, I will be arranging the move to another apartment. Right after prelims we should slip in a week visiting you folks, I guess. Prelim dates are of course not set. 

It is still cool here, also, we plan to stay very tight in studying this week end, since Jack's exams follow it, but next week end I suppose we shall go to Chicago. 

I believe I have plenty of clothes for the summer; I don't think I will be getting any chemises!

We envy you your rose garden and strawberries.
