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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
May 21, 1958

Dear folks,

In a week finals will begin, so the final burst is near at hand. I am pleased to get an A- on my last Matrix Algebra exam last week, & have a chance for an A in that course.

Last week end we went out to a nearby pond with the De Wits. On Saturday I finally got the winter coat lining finished and all winter clothes to cleaner or packed away and about half the summer clothes washed, mended and ironed: a very full day, or you may imagine.

I also received a very nice letter from Dr. Welt (in reply to one of mine) telling me of 7 places to write re Russian translation, including Ralph O'Dette of the National Science Foundation. He also offered me work as an indexer, providing I can get hold of pharmaceutical journals, which looks difficult now since the medical college is