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909 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
April 17, 1958

Dear folks,

Sounds as tho the spring here I about the same as further along than the spring there. Buds are opening all over now here and the weather is warm (up to 60 or 65 during the day). The weather has been fair for quite a number of days also.

I am downstairs (apartment below) doing my laundry. Guess I told you how I got laundry privileges this semester while the fellow uses our typewriter on his thesis.

Thanks for the transliteration cards!

We did have a good picnic at Kickapoo. The weather was mostly sunny & warm. We hiked about, then the DeWits began to fly their kites and Jack built one on the spot - a lovely white bird-shaped one which flew pretty well & made them want to build their own next time. It was good & windy & kite-flying went on until evening. Then we cooked supper & came home.