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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
February 5, 1958

Dear Folks,
For once in a long while we had excellent
driving weather when we returned to Urbana --
clear and cold. We got home Tuesday, noon and 
I registered that afternoon, Jack is at it this 
In Chicago we visited Grandpa's young sister,
Aunt Jekla Wallburg, for dinner Saturday -
Sunday Jim + Shirley dropped in for a
while + we went to a movie. Monday night Marguerite entertained our friends the Davises whom she had not met. We insisted they bring their baby, since Jack's mother is so fond of babies, and she much enjoyed playing with it with some of her baby-testing paraphernalia. That baby is very good and content. 

We had the Cedestrands over last night.

Nothing much is going on these days. 

As for scholarships, I have thought of them, but I am too irregular a student, I believe — only 3 courses, not a regular