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III East Healey
Champaign, Il, 
May 29, 1952

Dear folks, 
today is the first day of the exam period and jack is away at his first & worst exam (with my pen, I might add). His other two exams come next wed, and Friday. Mine come this Friday night (Russian), & next Monday & Thursday (a.m.).

Our Russian class, in appreciation of miss Koshansky, who will leave to teach at Purdue, got together about $9. I was the collector, & right after class last night I hopped over to Henny & Beatrice's, they are an impart company of Austrian brane & Indian ivory, no to speak. I got a very nice brass candlestick from them for several dollars off. We plan to present it after the exam Friday night, with one boy making a little speech on Russian.  We'll have coffee together then, perhaps at someone's home. She is a very fine teacher, about Sophie's age & probable, an old maid for good, & I'm sure she will get a thrill out of it. 

The latest Enemies Repent features an article in power lawn mowers. They speak of the real dangers