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111 East Healey
Champaign, Ill.
April 25, 1957

Dear folks,

Your Easter package arrived just before we left for Chicago. The sweater fits and is of a most becoming color; since I lost my green cardigan, it is most welcome to get another. Thanks!

We went to Chicago Thursday & found that a big family party was scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 4. We had planned to leave at 2 but of course couldn't, so got behind in studies & into an awful traffic jam at night. But the party was very pleasant -- Jack's mother had 15 guests, her record in some time -- including Jim & Shirley, Grandpa, her self, us, Mrs. Borup (a Latvian married to a Dane), Aunt Zelka Walburg & her son & daughter-in-law (she is Grandpa's youngest sister), the [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] three Starcks (family friends) and the Mrazes. The Walburgs & Mrs. Borup had wanted to meet me. Mrs. Borup became very friendly. We had a big ham, salad, potatoes, two gelatin salads, cake & ice cream & numerous candies brought by various people. We had to leave as soon as meal was over.

I am a little worried about my summer