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The moving operation was tough, but the Cederstrands helped some; we helped them move a few weeks ago. The biggest chores were getting the huge old oak desk up a narrow staircase to (3rd) our floor. A fellow who works as a furniture mover helped us (lives on 1st floor); getting up a 30-brick bookcase & a tall metal cabinet were tough too, but we've done it in two days and are really getting settled. There is sufficient storage here, for one good thing. We have been making little changes & improvements busily & things are so quiet - we can't believe it. Before we had to stay in bed 10 hours to get a night's sleep: we are surprised to find 8 hours is enough now. 

We got behind in our course-work, naturally, & are trying hard to catch up, so I can't write much more. 

Interesting article by Gardner Murphy on ESP you sent. Murphy has a big name for himself, as you may know. I suppose you, mother, would do rather well on an ESP test! 
