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Aug. 17- 66

Mr. F.W. Shakelford

Dear Sir:

Your letter of the 7th addressed to Genl Terry has been placed in my hands for reply. The Bureau has nothing to do with the employment of teachers or with their support. The only funds it expends for schools is in providing school rooms. The teachers are supported by various benevolent organizations at the north. I think that the "N.E. Branch Freedmens Union Commission" located at Boston will maintain the school at Fredericksburg. They also have schools in other places. To apply to this society, you should address Hannah E. Stevenson sec. Teachers Com. 8 Studio Building, Boston Mass.

I give you also the address of Rev. J.J. Woolsey sec. N.Y. National Freedmen's Relief Assocation, No 76 John St. N.Y.

Your services in the Army and wounds are a strong commendation

Respectfully Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Sup. Freedmens Schools Va.