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August 24 '66

Miss Hannah E. Stevenson
Sec. Tea Com-

Dear Friend

In your letter to Mr Woolfolk you speak of sending about five teachers. I hope you will send more for the following reason. The Bap. Home Miss. Soc which had eight teachers here last year, with by far the largest attendance of pupils to each teacher, has withdrawn from the field of secular education. The Friends, under the agency of Miss Smiley, have agreed to take the field occupied by the N.Y. Branch on Chimborage and Church Hill. In that portion of the city to be provided for the coming year by the N.E. & N.Y. Branches were 18 teachers last year -- six by the N.E., 4 by the N.Y. and 8 by the Baptists. And in the immediate vicinity of [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] the Bakery is the Ebeneezer Church where three of their last teachers taught. They were very excellent teachers and greatly endeared to the people. It would be very gratifying to the people worshipping at Ebeneezer Ch and to the "Home Miss Soc" (as Dr. Backus has said to me) if more teachers might be employed by you. I would recommend that you employ at least two of them -- Miss Mary E. Knowles and which of her assistants