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                                                            Aug 25 '66

Mr. Robt. Lindley Murray
35 Broadway N.Y.

My Dear Sir:

Miss Smiley, our mutual friend, has given me liberty to write to you upon the subject I will introduce.

First, however, let me explain to you the future division of educational work among the Freedmen in Richmond, and the school system proposed to be introduced.

Miss Smiley, through your association, proposes to supply six teachers for the South Eastern section of the city, which will constitute one district. The N.Y. Branch of the American Freedmen's Union Commission and the New England Branch together will provide for the rest of the city, which will be divided into three districts.  The schools in each district will be properly graded. The N.Y. Branch has been erecting primary school buildings at an expense of $4000.  The New England Branch is  fitting up rooms at a less expense. 

Still the school system is incomplete, indeed fatally defective, without a good High School, where the most advanced of the pupils from all parts of the city may receive a thorough normal training which shall fit them to become teachers.