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Oct. 7 '66

Bvt. Maj. W.R. Morse Sup. 4th Dist


Gen. Brown directs me to write to you requesting that you will provide suitable school rooms, as soon as possible for the teachers already arrived in your District, commissioned by the New Eng. Branch Freedmen's Union Commission. That society has neglected to make timely application for school rooms; and it is desirable to avoid the evils of this neglect as far as possible, by making temporary provision for these teachers, where suitable permanent arrangements cannot, at once, be made. You will make requisition for what you will need.

The non-receipt of your Report in response to Circ. 25 is embarrassing.

A memorandum from the Society before named states that two teachers went to Warrenton Sep. 25; three to Charlottesville Sep. 27; three to Gordonsville Oct. 4; two to Louisa C.H. Oct. 4; two to Culpepper Sep 10; and stating that one would go to Orange C.H. "when school room is ready".

Resp'y Yours &c
R. M. Manly
Sup. Education

Transcription Notes:
The ending and sign-off are a little difficult to read but the rest is fairly clear.