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Oct. 18 '66

Rev. S. Kennedy sec

Dear Sir:

Gen Brown directs me inquire in reference to the $80. you sent to Mr. R.B. Pegram. It  has not been rec'd by him. How and when was it sent?

No books have been sent as yet for your schools here. Have they been forwarded? When & by what express or line?

R. M. Manly
Sup. Educ

Oct. 19 '66
Bvt. Maj. J. R. Stone
Sup. 2d Dist.

Maj I have the honor to inform you that the N.Y. Branch, Freed U. Com. will send five (5) teachers to Petersburg in addition to those already there. Gen. Brown instructs you, through me, to provide school rooms for these as soon as practicable.

Please give me timely notice of the provision you may make, so that no time may be lost in ordering the teachers to their post.

I am very Resp'y
Yours &c
R. M. Manly
Sup. Education

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