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Nov. 9 '66

Cap. R.S. Lacey
Sup 2d Dist
Captain: Please obtain the missing school reports for Oct from Lexington & Staunton and forward as soon as possible, and admonish the delinquent officers. I would prefer that your report would be a few days later rather that be incomplete.

It is desired that District Superintendent Reports should furnish a full exhibit of all that is being done, by all agencies, for the education of the Freedmen. Teachers of private (pay) schools should be invited to report regularly on the Bureau blanks, but if any should refuse to do so, let the best information available be obtained. 
You will make requisition for blanks as you may need them, specifying the no. of each form. 
I am Very Respy, By order of Gen O Howard
R.M. Manly
Sup Education