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March 4

Cap. J. F. Wilcox Asst Sup &c

My Dear Sir: Your communication dated yesterday is rec'd. It is not of course, expected that the colored people can pay teachers salaries at present. Neither does the Bureau do this. The sole dependence is the various benevolent associations at the North, and these have generally exhausted their resources, having already in the field as many teachers as they can maintain. Now the Act of Congress requires the Bureau to "cooperate" with these associations and to provide school rooms by rent or repair "whenever one of these benevolent  associations assures the maintenance of a teacher" The first step therefore is to provide for the support of a teacher; then 2d to seek help from the Bureau. It will not do for the Bureau to build school houses where no teachers will be supported.

I will endeavor to secure a teacher for the place you name, and will not loose time nor spare effort in that direction. Scores of applications like yours remain unsupplied for want of means to support a teacher.

Very Truly Yours &c
R.M. Manly