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March 22
Bvt Cap G.S. Schaffer Asst Sup &c

Captain: Your communication of the 11th inst. to Cap. Wm. P. Austin in reference to the expenditure of money for school lots has been referred to me for answer.

As land carries buildings with it, it would seem best to have the land deeded, to trustees (say five or seven in number, a part of them white if practicable) to be held by them and their successors in trust for the purposes of a school for the freedmen. These trustees should be incorporated by the court, according to law.

In regard to a school house or houses, the Bureau cannot [[anticeddly?]] pledge money for the creation of any given school house. The first step is to provide for the maintenance of a school. If you or I can find some one of the benevolent associations, engaged in that work, to adopt the school, so that the Bureau can have an assurance the house, when it shall be erected, will not stand empty, then it will undoubtedly give assistance to the colored people in creating their house. It is difficult just now for me to get any of these associations to enlarge their work on account of shortness of funds.

Your Truly
R.M. Manly
Sup. Education