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March 26
Robt. R. Corson sec.

Dear Sir: Communications from Cap. C.S. Schaeffer Asst. Sup. at Christiansburg, present pressing demand for teachers at two points, viz:

1st at Neck Creek Pulaski Co.

2nd at Newbern Pulaski co. (the county seat)
At the first place the school house is ready, a boarding place in one of the most respectable families provided and the register of scholars (more than 50) already made up.

The second place is still more important, full particulars of which you may learn by addressing Capt. Schaeffer. Can you meet one or both of these demands? I hope so.

If you cannot meet them, will you have the kindness to pass this communication to the Philad. Branch of the Protestant Episcopal Freedmen's Commission, with my compliments. I do not know the address of any member or office of that Ass'n but should be glad to come into commmunication with it.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly Sup. Education Va.
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