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April 27

Rev. Geo. Whipple;  Cor. Sec.

Dear Sir:
Mrs James, Pres of the Pa. Br. P. E. Freed. Com. is clamoring to go in and possess all the world, particularly Norfolk. When she was here in the latter part of March she spoke of wanting help to erect a High school in that city. I suggested that the A.M.A had superior claims to manage that interest, if they should wish to do so, as I did not doubt they would, and gave the obvious reasons on which their claim would be founded. She is now writing both to Gen. Howard and Gen. Brown, proposing to spend $25,000. on such a school in Norfolk &c. Gen. H. refers the matter to Gen. B. and the latter directs me to ask you of your purposes and your pleasure in regard to Norfolk.
Very Respectfully Yours
R.M. Manly Sup Ed