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furnish the means by which they shall at once earn their support [[strikethrough]] and learn how to work and conduct business.[[/strikethrough]]

2d A more comprehensive discipline. It should be borne in mind that the pupils are from the hovels of slavery and need civilizing quite as much as they do educating in letters. In fact if their personal habits, social morality, superstitions prejudices and modes of living and of labor are not brought under an enlightened and thorough discipline it is doubtful whether the value of more book learning, as a means of their elevation, has not been over estimated.

The means proposed for the accomplishment these ends. 
1st A school with the ordinary literary applicances
2d A farm, of about 500 acres of good land embracing the proper proportions of cleared and woodland, and so located as to offer advantage for market gardening and fruit growing as well as the more general agriculture operations. All the labor of the farm and the house to be performed