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Dec. 23    7
Lt. Wm. H. Vinal
Asst. Sub. Asst Com'r.

Lieut. Your communication of the 16th inst. addressed to Maj. Moore in reference to a school at Madison C.H., has been referred to me for reply.

You are aware, probably, that the supply and support of teachers is wholly with the charitable associations of the north, except as the Freedmen themselves provide their own teachers - as they do in some cases. The part of the Bureau in the educational matter, is to supply school houses. We would gladly appropriate a liberal rent for the school at Madison, if it will assist the Freedmen in supporting a school. The northern societies cannot do more than they are now doing, and refuse all current applications to send more teachers. Perhaps some freedman or white person, competent to teach, can be found in your vicinity, who would be partially supported by the tuitions of the scholars, and the rest paid so to make up a moderate salary. This is the best that can be proposed.

Yours &c
R. M. Manly
Sup Education