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Dec. 26

Mrs. Lowell -

I'm writing to you two days since I overlooked your inquiry in reference to additional teachers for Richmond. The N.Y. Society of Friends have engaged to send six additional teachers immediately, which I believe will make an adequate supply for the city. 

Miss Parsons was taken violently ill last Saturday;- is a little better now, and we hope will be able to re-enter her school at the close of the holidays, Jan. 2d. The proximity of our high school (only across the street) enables us to make very good provision for a school in case of the temporary illness of a teacher. The schools a vacation from the 25th inst to the 1st prox. inclusive.

With the best wishes of the season for yourself and the Head Quarters of the U.S. Branch generally. 

I am very Respy
R.M. Manly
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