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Office Sup. Education ste.

Jan. 31

Rev. Dr. Sears

Dear Sir:

I regret that I was not able to see you during your recent visit to this city, and hope for an early opportunity to confer with you in regard to the educational interests of the freedpeople. I should be glad of our counsel, and I assume that you are interested in this subject and that you would be glad to be in possession of such information, either summary or detailed, as the records of my department contain.

We have succeeded in establishing an incorporated Normal School in this city for the training of the more advanced colored pupils for the teachers work. A new and handsome building has been erected at an expense of $6000. and an exceedingly interesting school of between 60 and 70 pupils is in progress. It was opened on the first of Oct. last.

I should be very happy to show you this school, as one of the most favorable examples