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build. The Bureau will not buy lots. The General Order from Washington which governs our appropriations is in the following words,-"Hereafter school buildings will not be erected or repaired, to any considerable extent, at the expense of the Bureau, except upon sites secured by deed to trustees, or some individual party, for school purposes for Freedmen, or for children irrespective of color, forever."

Get your lot, then clear of encumbrance, deeded as above, and you have an excellent beginning. Also make a plan with estimates.- using moderation and economy - and remembering that ere long the state must build school-houses, submit the plan to me, and we will have when the money comes, to assist you as we are able.

Meanwhile if you would like a letter to Gen. Howard I will give it with great pleasure-

Very Respy
RM Manly
Sup Education


Mr. J. Fortune, sup &c
Dear Madam:
   Your application for repairs at the Old St. school is recd, and I hope we shall be able to act favorably and promptly, as soon as it is put in proper shape. All such matter must come through the local Bureau Officer, it being his duty to examine and report specifically the amount of money required before an appropriation can be made, and then it is through him that the money is expended and the work done. Please make immediate written application to him for what you want; he will endorse and forward it, and immediate action will be taken. 
I would suggest that you have your spring vacation correspond with ours, unless you have strong reasons for fixing upon a different time. The time fixed upon here is Beginning with Friday the 10th of Apl and continuing through the following week. 
Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup Education