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May 13

Thos P. Jackson Sub. Asst. Com'r

Dear Sir:

Your interesting letter of yesterday is read, and I have sent you, in response to that and your former communication (covering that of Rev. Mat Marshall), a quantity of U.S. Primers, childs papers, catechisms and other S.S. material. Retain for yourself all that will be of service in the enterprise you have so nobly undertaken, and give to Mr Marshall the rest.

Call again when you require anything and I will do all I can for you. 

If you shall prove yourself able to consolidate about you, and in sympathy with your views, the men of influence in the colored churches it will be a splendid achievement and fruitful of great good. You are in the right to accomplish it, in the S.S. movement.

Very Respy
R. M Manly
Sup Education