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July 17

Rev. B. Sears S D

Dear Sir, I have pleasure in acknowledging the rect. of yours of the 15th.  Four thousand dollars ($4000) from the Peabody fund would indeed be a godsend the coming year, and would fill a gap between the Bureau and the Societies, and supplement each. 

The number is already ^ considerable and constantly increasing of native Virginians (whites) who are undertaking, on their own account, to teach colored schools, but are unable to collect enough from the pupils to warrant a continuance.  They apply to the Bureau, and we, by law, are restricted to the payment of a small rent.  Then there is a class of colored persons, of fair qualification, who desire to teach and with a little encouragement would be able to open schools where there have been none, and where they would be most gladly welcome.

Then there are the charitable associations, and charitable individuals and churches. [[North?]] who could be induced to establish new schools, or continue old ones which they are about to abandon, for look