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July 27 8 

Mrs. E.S Cheuly,

I am instructed by the Ass't Com'r to say to you that we have entirely exhausted the funds for the school purposes heretofore turned over to us and have no information, as yet what new amount may be assigned to this state and that until such assignment is made we can foresee no idea of what we shall be able to do in a given case and of course can make no pledges.
I am sorry to learn that you have no funds for the purpose of building in Charlottesville, as we are not anticipating a appropriation, and much the largest part of our funds must be used in rents and pairs where a few dollars in a place, will keep a school alive.
Thank you for your decision in regard to Miss Canedy. Will you not furnisher her assistant also?
Very Respy-
R.M. Manly
Sup Education